It is perfectly natural to feel confused, scared, and overwhelmed after being involved in something as traumatic as a car accident. That’s why hiring an experienced car accident lawyer can be so beneficial. Having someone who can take control of your case and give you the time you need to recover from your injuries can really make this process easier for you. Knowing what to do after a car accident in Reno, NV can also be a strong start in your recovery process.

What To Do After A Car Accident in Reno, NV?

Car Accidents in Reno, NV

If you decide to handle your pending legal situation on your own, there are no guarantees that your case will end up with your desired outcome. You might be overwhelmed when going against a prepared attorney whose sole purpose is to prevent you from getting a favorable settlement. When you retain an experienced Reno car accident lawyer for yourself, you are putting your case in the care of someone who can work with you to get all that you want from a settlement.

Reno is one of the most populous cities in Nevada. The city has developed its own significant tourist trade and has a number of significantly traveled highways running through it. When you have an influx of tourists, you get a lot of people who may be driving on these highways for the first time. Unfamiliar drivers can often cause accidents due to being unfamiliar with the roads and how to navigate them.

According to collated statistics from the Nevada Department of Transportation, there have been 10,324 car accidents in the Reno area from 2016 to 2020. This number is quite significant, though not as much as more populated cities, such as Las Vegas. Still, it is a perfect example of why it is so important to stay vigilant on the roads and be cognizant of anything that could happen. For yourself, if you decide that pursuing a case against the negligent party is something you should do, you may want to observe certain Nevada laws.

It is important to pay attention to Nevada’s statute of limitations for personal injury actions, including car accident cases. Generally, you will have two years to set up and file a compensation claim. If you can’t file it before two years are up, there is a good chance your claim will be outright denied.

What to Do After a Car Accident in Reno, NV

You should always be aware that every action you take in the immediate aftermath of a car accident is going to be reflected in both the police report and your accident claim. It is important that you try very hard to make informed decisions at the time of your accident. If you react emotionally, you risk damaging your case in the future. Here are some measures to make sure your claim is properly preserved:

  • Remain as Calm as You Can: Staying calm after a car accident sounds difficult, and that’s perfectly understandable. Being able to keep a clear head after a chaotic incident is not going to be easy, but it is important that you react logically. If you submit to panic, that won’t happen. Keep a clear mind, take some deep breaths, and keep thinking things through carefully.
  • Stay at the Accident Scene: No matter what you do, never try to flee the scene of an accident. If you are caught fleeing the scene, there is a decent chance that you could end up being charged with serious crimes, such as a hit-and-run. When you are in an accident, stay put and report the accident to the proper authorities as quickly as you can.
  • Call 911: You need to report the accident to the authorities promptly. That way, police officers and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) can get to the scene quickly and secure it for everyone’s safety.
  • Move Your Car: If you are physically able to manage it, you should consider moving your vehicle out of the way of oncoming traffic. That way, you can avoid being the inadvertent cause of another accident.
  • Gather Evidence: When the police clear the scene, you can start documenting the accident scene for your own records. Be sure to take a lot of photos of your injuries, the damage to all the vehicles, and the conditions of the road. Make sure you get the contact information of any witnesses who are willing to help you.
  • Talk to a Lawyer: Be sure to consult an experienced car accident lawyer when you are ready to move forward with legal action.


How Long Does It Take to Settle a Car Accident Claim in Nevada?

Settling a car accident claim in Nevada takes as much time as needed. Every car accident case is going to be different since each situation has its own factors that need to be taken into consideration. If a car accident case isn’t that complex, it might be settled in a few months.

How Do You Deal With the Aftermath of a Car Accident?

The way you deal with the aftermath of a car accident is by maintaining a clear head and reacting logically. This can be really difficult to do, as your natural instincts may be to panic in the face of a traumatic event. You may be able to think things through more clearly if you keep calm and rational.

What Do I Do After Almost Getting Into a Car Accident?

When you are almost in a car accident, you should immediately pull your vehicle to the side of the road and take a few minutes to get yourself under control. There is a good chance you might be severely overwhelmed and not fit to drive. Check your vehicle for any damage if you can. If the other driver stops, you should exchange insurance information if there is damage.

How Do I Report a Hit-and-Run in Nevada?

To report a hit-and-run in Nevada, you should call 911 to reach the police, or you may want to directly contact the Nevada Highway Patrol. When the police make their report, you can use it as part of your personal injury claim. Be sure to provide as much detail as you can without taking any blame.

Reach Out Soon

At Easton & Easton, we can provide you with everything you need to pursue a damage claim after a car accident. Contact our team to discuss what we can do for you.