Pedestrian accidents happen far too often Southern California

2020-09-01T14:31:27+00:00By |

Parts of Southern California are excellent for pedestrian traffic, but other parts are not. Even when good city planning includes foot-navigable sidewalks and safe street crossings, there is little that can be done to prevent an injury if a negligent driver disobeys traffic laws and hits a walker or runner.

Still, pedestrians can take some reasonable safety precautions to help ensure that they make it safely to their destinations and back home again.

Tips for Pedestrians

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, which is supported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Federal Highway Administration, offers these basic safety tips for pedestrians:

  • Awareness of surroundings: Simply being aware of nearby vehicles and obstacles while walking can reduce the risk of a collision. If you can spot a veering vehicle before it jumps the sidewalk or illegally turns into a crosswalk, you might be able to dodge an accident.
  • Use caution at intersections: Intersections generally have signals and lights to help control the flow of traffic, including foot traffic. However, you should use caution before crossing in these areas, even if you have the right of way. Negligent drivers sometimes run red lights and fail to look for pedestrians when turning.
  • Stand clear of hedges, parked vehicles and other obstructions: In many cases, drivers don’t see pedestrians when they stand next to or step out from behind structures that block the driver’s view. Try to cross the street in an area where drivers have time to see you before you step onto the road.
  • Consider the lighting and the brightness of your clothing: Sticking to well-lit areas and wearing bright clothing are two other ways to increase your visibility.

In many cases, driver negligence is the cause of pedestrian accidents, and collisions with pedestrians often result in catastrophic injuries. Anyone who is dealing with the aftermath of such an accident should explore every legal option for obtaining the maximum available compensation for medical bills and other costs resulting from the crash.

About the Author:

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Doug Easton has practiced law since 1971. After 20 years of practicing with various large litigation firms, he founded the Law Offices of W. Douglas Easton in 1991 as a solo practitioner. In the years that followed, Doug’s sons Brian and Matt joined him in the practice and helped build the firm into a powerful force to help right the wrongs done to their clients. Much of their success over the years has stemmed from the dynamic created by the familial nature of the firm and how harmoniously they all work together, each of their individual strengths complementing and fortifying the group as a whole. Accordingly, the firm changed its name to Easton & Easton, LLP in 2014 to better reflect the true dynamic of the firm and Doug now serves as Managing Partner of Easton & Easton.In 2015, Doug was selected as a Top 100 Litigation Lawyer in California by The American Society of Legal Advocates. In addition, Doug is listed in Strathmore’s Who’s Who, and in 2008 was named its “Professional of the Year” in Medical Malpractice.
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