When you are dealing with a legal situation, regardless of how you ended up there, the most important decision you can make going forward is your choice of attorney. A good lawyer can make or break a case. You will want someone determined, experienced, and knowledgeable. Car accidents happen in Las Vegas every day. It can be daunting figuring out how to choose the best car accident lawyer in Las Vegas, but it is important to know what you are looking for.
What Do You Want in a Car Accident Lawyer?
An experienced personal injury lawyer in Las Vegas is one of the most important assets you can have for your case, whatever it may be. Las Vegas is a constantly busy city where something is always happening. The busier a city, the more car accidents will happen. It is important to get ahead of the insurance claim and start building your case. That way, you are ready when the time comes to defend your position in the accident, whether you are arguing no fault or partial fault.
When searching for a reliable car accident lawyer, here are some traits or qualities you may want to look out for. They may be your deciding factors:
- Extensive Knowledge: A good car accident lawyer should have an extensive and impressive knowledge of car accident law. That knowledge ideally includes state and federal traffic laws, any specific city statutes that will apply, and how to handle insurance companies. Car accident claims can get complex and difficult to navigate. Your lawyer should have a proven record of handling similar cases.
- Communication: Your lawyer should keep you updated throughout their involvement in your case. You need to be informed of every significant breakthrough, setback, revelation, and settlement offer that occurs during your case. More so, you may not have a law degree. It may be somewhat difficult for you to understand everything involved in the legal process. Your lawyer should be able to explain it to you effectively and ensure that you understand everything that is happening.
- A Wealth of Experience: You will be more inclined to hire a car accident lawyer with a significant rate of success as opposed to an inexperienced one looking for their first case. Experience is nothing to sneer at. Experience wins cases and intimidates insurance companies. You will want a car accident lawyer who has gone up against these odds before and succeeded. Look at a lawyer’s success rate in court or past favorable settlements from other clients.
- Integrity: A person’s ethical standing shows us who they really are on the inside. A good lawyer should be honest with you at all times, never misinform you about your chances, and not conduct themselves in an unethical, borderline illegal way. Your attorney, at least throughout the duration of your case, is a reflection of yourself and how you are willing to conduct yourself to reach a favorable outcome.
- Negotiation: Most car accident claims are settled outside the courtroom. A good lawyer needs to have impeccable negotiation skills to be able to argue against insurance companies and their lawyers, who are out to ensure that you don’t get a dime. You will need someone who can intimidate the opposition and never stop fighting on your behalf.
Q: How Long Do You Have to Report an Accident in Nevada?
A: You have 10 days from the day of the initial accident to report said accident to the DMV under Nevada state law. However, there are exceptions to the rule, particularly in Las Vegas. Considering how busy the streets are in Las Vegas, law enforcement acknowledges that they may not be able to respond to every fender bender. You are required to submit a detailed report if the accident meets several criteria: The police did not show up, damage exceeded $750, and there was an injury.
Q: How Long Does an Insurance Company Have to Pay a Claim in Nevada?
A: An insurance company has 80 days total to pay a claim in Nevada. Insurance companies also have a very strict series of deadlines that they must meet within those 80 days. They have 20 working days to acknowledge the claim and send out the correct paperwork. Then, they have 30 working days to decide whether to approve or deny the claim once they receive the paperwork. After that, they have 30 working days to send out the final payment if they decide to approve the claim.
Q: Is Nevada a No-Fault State for Car Accidents?
A: No, Nevada is not a no-fault state. Nevada is very much an “at-fault” state, which means that the person who is found to be at fault in a court of law is responsible for paying the full damages of the other party. These can include property damages, medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and anything else that a jury deems necessary for the damaged party. Drivers are not required to carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance in Nevada.
Q: What Is the Average Payout for Whiplash?
A: On a national scale, the average payout for whiplash depends on the severity of the case at hand. For minor whiplash injuries, the payout could range anywhere from several thousand dollars to several hundred thousand. For particularly severe whiplash injuries, the payout could potentially be considerably more than that. However, that is not a guarantee that your payout will be anywhere close to that. Every whiplash case is different, and each case has unique circumstances.
Reach Out to an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Today
If you have been in a car accident in Las Vegas and you are looking for solid, reliable representation, look no further than Easton & Easton. Our firm has handled many car accident cases, and we are dedicated to helping you work through yours to reach the compensation that you feel is appropriate. We can help you build your case, gather witnesses, and advocate on your behalf in court if it comes to that. Contact us to schedule a consultation as soon as you are able.