Compensation for California bike accident victims

2022-01-05T19:32:38+00:00By |

It is every bicyclists’ worst nightmare. One minute, they are riding their bike, the sun is shining, birds are chirping. The next thing they know, the bicyclist wakes up in a hospital bed. Opting to bike around town rather than driving a motor-vehicle can be really liberating and great for your health.

However, the benefits can feel small in comparison to the potential injuries a bicyclist can suffer after being involved in a bicycle accident. This shouldn’t stop bicyclists from doing what they do by any means. However, it really gives a bicyclist pause when their last ride consisted of being struck by a motor vehicle. Motorists are required to share many Orange County roads with bicyclists. An inability to do that can lead to a bicycle accident.

There are many reasons a motor vehicle could have come in contact with a bicyclist. Whether the driver’s intentions were malicious is irrelevant. They can still be found at fault for negligent behavior and thus responsible for the mounting medical bills, lost wages and other damages an injured bicyclist can seek.

Distracted driving and inattentive driving tops the list for reasons that can lead to a bicyclist accident. Sadly, many drivers are on their phones or doing something else they shouldn’t be doing instead of driving. Sometimes, it’s as simple as the driver wasn’t paying close enough attention and engaging in some form of distracted driving. Whatever the specifics, bicyclists should consider collecting compensation by alleging negligence when injured in a bicycling accident.

About the Author:

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Doug Easton has practiced law since 1971. After 20 years of practicing with various large litigation firms, he founded the Law Offices of W. Douglas Easton in 1991 as a solo practitioner. In the years that followed, Doug’s sons Brian and Matt joined him in the practice and helped build the firm into a powerful force to help right the wrongs done to their clients. Much of their success over the years has stemmed from the dynamic created by the familial nature of the firm and how harmoniously they all work together, each of their individual strengths complementing and fortifying the group as a whole. Accordingly, the firm changed its name to Easton & Easton, LLP in 2014 to better reflect the true dynamic of the firm and Doug now serves as Managing Partner of Easton & Easton.In 2015, Doug was selected as a Top 100 Litigation Lawyer in California by The American Society of Legal Advocates. In addition, Doug is listed in Strathmore’s Who’s Who, and in 2008 was named its “Professional of the Year” in Medical Malpractice.
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