There are often so many different factors and details that are extremely important to keep in mind after dealing with a car accident. It can be a real hassle to handle everything on your own, which is where a good car accident lawyer can truly benefit your case. Having someone on your side who can provide you with consistent legal advice and reassurance can make a real difference, as can knowing all the California car accident laws you may need to abide by for your case.

California Car Accident Laws

California Car Accident Laws

A accidente de coche en California can come out of nowhere to seriously disrupt the flow of your life. A car collision can range anywhere from a minor part of your day to a tragic event that you may never fully recover from. If somebody else is responsible for causing your car accident, you may want to consider holding them accountable by taking legal action against them for compensatory damages.

Existen multiple laws regarding car accidents in California. To start, every vehicular accident must be reported properly to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) using an SR-1 report. Either you, your insurance agent, or a legal representative appointed by you must fill out an SR-1 report and send it to the DMV within 10 days of your accident. This report must be filled out if the accident meets one of the following criteria:

  • Someone was injured. It doesn’t matter whether the injury was serious or not.
  • Alguien fue asesinado.
  • Los daños materiales superaron los $1.000.

If you fail to fill out this report and send it to the DMV, you may have your driving privileges suspended.

When you are involved in a car accident, you are legally supposed to perform certain steps that can assist police and help make things go smoother at the time of the accident. First, you must stop your vehicle when you have been in an accident. Fleeing the scene, regardless of how minor the accident may seem, could be viewed as a “hit-and-run.” You could suffer severe legal penalties for that.

When you are in an accident, you need to call 911 immediately and speak with the police about the details of the accident when they arrive on the scene. Show the police your driver’s license, registration, insurance information, and current address. Make sure you give the other driver the same information.

Statute of Limitations

If you decide to pursue legal action against the individual who caused your accident, it is vital to the strength and survival of your case that you pay close attention to the prescripción for personal injury cases, including car accident claims, in California. The state will generally give you two years from the date of your accident to:

  • Determine the grounds for your claim.
  • Generate a strong case.
  • Assemble the right evidence.
  • Speak with an experienced car accident lawyer.
  • File a claim.

If you cannot file a claim before two years have passed, your claim will likely be thrown out by the court, your case will be denied, and your chance to pursue financial compensation will be lost, with no legal action taken. Building a strong car accident case can take time, so you may want to get started as soon as the incident occurs. If you are worried that your case might not be strong enough, your attorney can review what you have. They may also launch their own investigation, collecting further evidence to bolster your claim.

Preguntas frecuentes

How Is Fault Determined in a Car Accident in California?

Fault is determined in a car accident in California by looking over the details of the accident through an independent investigation, which is usually headed by an insurance company. The company will send a representative to look into the accident. They will analyze the behavior of both drivers, the traffic laws of the area, the road conditions, and vehicle maintenance. After that, they will ultimately make a decision about who they feel is to blame for the accident.

Can I Handle My Case Alone Without a Lawyer?

You are allowed to handle your case alone without a lawyer. Whether you should is a completely different matter. A lawyer can get you the compensation you deserve. Without a lawyer, you may not receive as much as you want. In fact, you might even find yourself in severe financial distress. It is recommended that you retain a lawyer’s services any time you find yourself dealing with legal matters.

What Is the California Car Accident Policy?

Generally, California’s car accident policy follows a “pure comparative negligence” law. This means that you can still seek financial compensation after an accident, even if you are found to be a little bit responsible for causing the accident. If you are found to be partially at fault for the accident, the percentage you are found to be at fault will be deducted from your total compensation package, should you be awarded it.

What Happens If a Minor Crashes a Car in California?

Generally, if a minor happens to crash a car in California, their parent or guardian is held jointly responsible for any damages caused by the accident. The injured party can either sue the minor who caused the accident or sue the parents responsible for the minor. When a minor gets their driver’s license, the parent or guardian has to sign a consent form that makes them liable for any damages.

Contacte hoy con un abogado de accidentes de tráfico

Understanding the various car accident laws in California can be greatly beneficial when you decide to file legal action of your own. With the help of an experienced car accident lawyer, you can receive everything you deserve.

Easton & Easton understands how difficult it can be to fight a negligent party for financial compensation. We can construct your case, gather the right evidence, and make sure your interests are protected. Póngase en contacto con nosotros to speak with a valued team member about a consultation.